Monday, December 26, 2016

Solstice Sleep

The circus is going through some changes right now. So is the earth.

The winter is a time when the earth sleeps. The biting, frightening cold comes. The earth gathers inward it's energies and hunkers down. No more bright, showy displays. It appears dead. Of course we all know it isn't. It sleeps. 

When humans go to sleep we also appear motionless, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Sleep is a very active time in our brains. We process, we learn, we decide. If we're successful, we leave behind that which no longer serves us.

The earth goes through this same process. It waits to see the old ways pass, to decay. Not merely abiding, but building...shaping the next movement, planning. The energy of thought, faster and faster until creation explodes. It can no longer be contained.

But for now we cocoon. Safe. Apparently unmoving. But soon... 

Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
- "Heavy", Birdtalker